Meet Guidelines
CW NZAC Meet Guidelines
The club and its sections often organise camps or meets where climbers get together and organise their own objectives. You do not need to be an NZAC member to attend a meet, which means friends can come too! It is important that the organisers clearly differentiate between a meet and a club trip, and take steps to ensure the safety of the participants while at the meet. Please ensure you have read the Meet Guidelines before signing-up.
Meet Participant Guidelines
You are responsible for your own safety.
Make plans that you are within your ability and with others that are attending the meet. There will be no formal instruction at this meet. Please note that club members are not available to act as a guide. You must be able to make independent decisions.
Be prepared to drive or contribute to transport costs incurred (petrol, wear & tear).
Research the options available to you in the area around the meet and have a clear idea of your options and the gear you need.
If you discover that you cannot go on the meet then let the Meet organiser know as soon as possible.
Complete the participant details sign-up form.
Read or listen to the camp/meet briefing, weather and emergency plan.
Complete the intentions form each day.
Meet Organiser Guidelines
Provide general information or a schedule (when/where/cost/essential gear etc) for the camp or meet and have a list of suggested options for activities or suggest a guidebook that participants can refer to.
Inform participants what is expected of them.
Details (name, emergency contact etc) of meet participants are collected via a form and the details are accessible during the meet.
On the day, have a camp/meet briefing informing everyone of the emergency plan, the weather forecast and the possible sensible objectives based on the forecast. A briefing document will be completed.
A master “intentions form” to be filled in when people leave the base or camp to do an activity.
Plan the emergency management procedures and have a copy available at the camp/meet.
Have planned field communications and a first aid kit available in case of an emergency. If there is cellphone service this is suitable for field comms.
Post meet contact the Trip-coordinator to give an update on how it went and inform if there were any incidents or accidents to encourage NZAC continuous improvement.
Find someone on the meet to write an interesting meet report for the Section Newsletter and email it to Shannon
Meet Organiser Resources
Meet Organiser To Do
Pre Meet
Confirm Meet with Meet Coordinator.
Create sign-up form from the template and share with Online Coordinator and Meet Coordinator.
Send info to Online Coordinator and Meet Coordinator for the sign-up sheet (dates, costs, payment info, any social activities).
Online Coordinator to create Facebook event including a link to the sign-up form and information sheet.
Online Coordinator to add Meet to website and calendar on website.
Print Meet Intentions Form (1 per day), Daily Briefing Sheet (1 per day) and Emergency Management Procedures.
Before departure collect First Aid Kit from NZAC HQ.
At Meet
Welcome people in and organise the facilities.
Conduct a brief at set time. If people are unavailable ensure documents are left in a visible location for arrival.
Complete the Daily Briefing Sheet.
Post Meet
Return First Aid Kit.
Report Meet to Co-ordinator/Committee (issues/incidents/accidents/numbers).